hey guys what's up and welcome back skincare blog so for today's article we are going to do another review yes i'm going to review a mask which you can see from the title of the article it is two percent salicylic acid mask by the brand derma co.

Now the derma co those of you who don't know about derma co it's a brand which is you know bringing science to our face so they are making products based on hyaluronic acid salicylic acid ahs bhs.

So they are actually uh you know working with the actives for the skin so yes if you want to know more about this mask and keep on reading the article we read in the end because I'm going to tell that you should buy this mask or not in the end so yes let's just jump into the article very quickly okay the product.

I'm talking about looks like this it comes in this cardboard board it has these red and white packaging it has a typical derma co yeah drama for logo on top of it and then we have the product right here now this is the two percent salicylic acid mask for acne and blemish prone skin.

Now have slight little brown i have slight blemishes on my skin so that's why i'm using this mask this master tails for 499 rupee sand you get like 50 grams of product in it and let's just see what are the main or key ingredients you won't find more natural ingredients because this is species because they are actually working with the active so you cannot find you know more ingredients in it.

So this is salicylic acid cure inactivated charcoal and they advise you to use twice a day i'm actually reading all the instructions from the first you know page here or the front of the box actually okay this is basically clinically active formulation which is derma tologically tested and this is the peribrin sulfate free mineral oil dietary formula now this is actually a made in india product which is so cool that indian branch are making efforts to you know work with science and bringing sites to our face so yeah this is how the product looks like now there are some claims on the mask which i should you know just read to you know make you understand about this product as well this mask basically help remove dead skin cells from the surface of oily and blemish prone skin besides that it fights with dullness and uneven skin texture.

Which i have you will reveal a clean skin with the use of this mask and activated charcoal it obviously imbibes a lot of impurities and excess oil and further detoxify and exfoliate your skin to refine the appearance of pores so kaolin clay is also there which will just cleanse and soften your skin so this is going to be a great product what you don't have to do not use on sensitive peeling or compromised skin okay all those if you have irritating skin don't use it just use a pad do a patch test before you know applying this mask.

Now we are opening it and this is actually secured you have to push it out okay so now it has this mask this beautiful mask on this we have this tub here and then we have the spatula a small spatula which i actually don't find very useful and then we have this minerali guess we have read a lot of things on the box itself so let me see how this looks like i'm just gonna open it okay the first thing you will notice when you open the tub is a secured lid now this this is how it looks like it's not pink i thought it would be pink in color because the packaging is pink but it is you know a clay sort of mask and it looks slightly grayish if you can see grayish black in color and itis a whiskers mask and yeah it's shining on the top that means it was not ever used you see this is the texture it looks like a clay mask right yeah okay yeah so it's a clay mask.

So now i guess the fun part begins we're gonna just use it on the skin and feel it then i'm gonna tell you guys that how i you know feel about this mask how the smart work or not work for my skin.

Hey guys it's been 15-20 minutes that I have this mask on and you know it's just turned out into thin layer and now i'm just going to wash my face it didn't irritated my skin at all it was there was a slight tinglingsensation and i'm just going to take it off and we'll just see the result how it looks like how my skin is feeling so let me just take it off and then we will talk about the rest of the article I am back with the clean skin and my mask is off now i have a lot to talk about it right now first of all my skin really feel felt brighter and tighter as well so i would definitely need a face cream or moisturizer to lock the goodness off this mask.

So um i guess this mask is giving me firmness on my skin and i just can't comment on the uh on the factor of evening my complexion out it is not evening but obviously this won't be clear with like one use only because i have used it just once so i cannot tell you but yes i will update you guys on my instagram so if you're not following me on Instagram put my link here so you can check my instagram as well for the further details of this month but as of now it feels good it was it tingled uh in the beginning it irritatedit didn't irritate it.

It just tingled my skin in the beginning there was no irritation there was no super sensation with the mask which i'm really happy with because what happens with the uh skin ingredients like salicylic hyaluronic vitamin c your skin actually breaks sometime or you know if it breaks i will just put a note here that my skin broke after using this mask in the night or in the morning or not but you should definitely use the sunscreen when you are going out when you have applied these sort of ingredient active ingredients don't stop wearing your sunscreens they are must i am actually not a sunscreen person.

But because I’m using a lot of these masks a lot of active ingredients so i am actually currently using a lot of sunscreen and definitely about the mask i'm actually loving the result but definitely there are chances that it is not going to produce oil it will stop the production of oil and it will be really good for lack my skin because i'm dry skin and i feel like my skin is tightened but it's not like you know super dehydrated.

So i'm really happy with the result that it has not stretched my skin to the level and also when i was like on the recipient when i was letting it dry for some time my skin didn't feel like super tighter you know with some charcoal when charcoal is an ingredient your skin feels super tight which i can feel with this mask i'm pretty happy that i can keep it actually kept for 20 25 minutes i guess or maybe more than 25 30 minutes but it didn't irritated my skin or it didn't stretch my skin super tightly so I am quite happy with the results so yes this was my review that you should definitely invest in this mask and let me know your. you know thoughts on this mask if you are using it or if you will use it after you know reading there view then let me know what did you guys experience and obviously we will meet in the next article till then just take care of yourself and let me know in the comment section which article  or which review product i'm sorry which product of you want me to do next and till then we'll meet in the next article bye


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